Vocational studies

Health, Safety & Security Level 3 HSC Revision Guide
Revision guide for Level 3 HSC Cambridge Technical, Unit 3 Health, Safety and Security.
Has activities and areas to complete.
Please leave me a review if you like my resources.

Communication to Empower - Care Values HSC
Health and Social Care Unit 2 Care Values
Ways to empower - specific way being communication
Scenarios, activities, tasks.
Can be adapted but this is for Level 2.

PIES Development Hexagons
Hexagon’s created which can be cut out and then students can sort into each of the PIES. Card sorting activity, in colour on A3 document.
I had them laminated and used for our sixth form bridging course to give very basic information to new students who potentially have never done HSC before.

Health & Wellbeing Revision Darts Comp 3
Component 3 HSC BTEC Tech Award Exam
Health & Wellbeing
Revision darts
Includes dart board and instruction ppt slide
I used this with a difficult year 11 group who loved it
Outer section is questions to answer
Inner section is key words to talk about for 1 minute
Instead of throwing things we used dice to get the number they must answer

The need for legislation - ctec hsc
two lessons used to discuss the impact of discrimination, the need for and types of legislation and the impact of legislation. CTEC hsc unit 2 - equality diversity and rights. level 3

Contraception Lesson for Year 9
Lesson for teaching different types of contraception.
Word scrambles for each type of contraception and a worksheet to complete.
I used this for year 9 personal development lesson but could be used for any lesson or year.

Unit 2 - Types of Doctors
This resource was designed to support learning for the BTEC National Level 3 Unit 2 - Working in Health & Social Care.
It includes an overview of what 7 different types of doctors do, includes a case study to read and videos to watch. Also includes a quick quiz, definitions of roles and responsibilities and a research task to conclude. I usually do this over two lessons.
Includes the following:
General Practitioner
Emergency Medicine Doctor

Theories of Behaviour Change for HSC
Level 3 Ctech HSC unit 22 psychology unit, theories of behaviour change powerpoint.

Unit 5 - Learning Aim D Powerpoints
These powerpoints go through the main sections of the coursework and how to answer it, some sections mention Valerie & Tremayne as this is who we focused on but can be easily adapted.
I personally deliver over three lessons, two sessions on Multi Disciplinary Teams & Multi Agency Teams and one on Managing Information.
These clearly show the coursework criteria sections and try to give examples of how to many words to write for each section as my classes found this helpful, its not a limit but a suggestion.

Statutory Provision for Adults
A lesson powerpoint going through the different statutory provision for Adults with additional needs including Care Act, Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act. Links to the case study of Ben from the BTEC Website but can be easily adapted.
Used for BTEC National Unit 12

HSC Component 3 Connect 4 Sheet Editable
Editable so long as you have publisher!
Also you get it as PDF version if you just want to print to use.
35 questions on factors affecting health and wellbeing.
Idea is for students to try to get 4 in any direction connected to win, they win a space by answering the question correctly.

Care Values Assignment 2 Template
Template for BTEC Level 2 HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE, Unit 2 Assignment 2 - Empowerment
My students benefited from this template to see how to set out the powerpoint.

Early Years Foundation Stage Activity
Fill in the gaps activity for weaker students or those who struggle to get all the information down, used with my lower ability cache level 2 students.

Transitions in Child's Life Wordsearch
Used as a starter activity with Cache level 2 child development and care.

HSC - abuse & discrimination
HSC Ctech level 3 - unit 2 Equality, Diversity and Rights
Powerpoint that covers indirect discrimination, direct discrimination and types of abuse.

Physical & Intellectual Development Wordsearches
Wordsearches made for Child Care - physical and intellectual development.

Physical Development Fill In the Gaps
Fill in the gaps activity for child care. Physical development of children.